Products > Cotton Ginning

Cotton Ginning Products
Since 1994, CNC Performance Engineering has partnered with Vandergriff Inc. to manufacture high quality Gin Ribs and Wearplates for cotton plant gin stands. Our quality Gin Ribs perform at high capacities with the gin stands in and have become the rib of choice for gin plants that desire a high performance rib. Contact us or Vandergriff Inc. if you are interested in boosting your output significantly! We make Vandergriff ribs in the following makes and models:
141, 161
141, 161 Game Changer (modified profile for maximum output)
181 (required for 181 game changer conversion)
Vandergriff 141 Rib
The traditional Continental 141 gin rib is plagued with performance problems. They are made from low quality casting that are inaccurately made, and require extensive shimming and tag during operation. Continental has tried to put a wearplate on their current rib, but has made no changes to the inferior design of their rib. Our Vandergriff 141 Rib has a superior relief section and is designed to replace the Continental 141 gin rib. Our gin rib allows the cotton fibers to flow through smoothly and not tag. It also prevents little seeds from escaping through the rib and being ground up into fine particles in the lint cleaners. There are no rib fires. Our ribs perform at high capacities with the gin stand in.
Vandergriff 161 Rib
The Continental 161 rib is plagued with the same problems as the 141. They are weak due to narrower saw spacings and do not hold up well in high capacity cotton ginning. The Vandergriff Rib 161 has all the advantages of the 141 model. One of its most important advantages is its strength. It can withstand the pressure of high capacity ginning. It does not lose little varieties of seed. This rib allows the gin stand to remain in during ginning.
158, 170
158, 170 Game Changer (modified profile for maximum output currently being tested)
Vandergriff 158 Rib
As all our other ribs, the Vandergriff 158 Rib is also made from a steel forging accurately machined on CNC equipment. It is not a casting and has superior strength. It is made in the United States and not overseas. The accuracy allows the ribs to fit tightly and consistently together across the roll box. There is no room for little seed to escape. When ginning next to the traditional Lummus 158 gins ribs, customers consistently say, "there is no comparison." Our drilled and tapped back-up strips are made from one piece of material and the holes are drilled and tapped on precision equipment. This allows you to put our ribs on easily and accurately.
Vandergriff 170 Rib
This is a narrower rib as well, due to the narrower saw spacings on the 170 gin stand. 170 saws are essentially put in the same frame as the 158 saw gin stand. The Vandergriff Rib provides accuracy, precision and the neccessary strength a narrow rib needs.
198, 222
Replacement Wearplates
All Vandergriff Ribs come with a reversible wearplate installed at the ginning point. This wearplate has a dowell pin arrangement used to attach it to the gin rib. There is a good reason for this. Gin with another type of wearplate installation and you will quickly see why. The entire design around the wearplate area is well thought out. Our wearplates will not come off during operation. After the season, they can be taken out and turned around to give you another clean wear surface for the next upcoming season. When you get ready to order new wearplates, they will be shipped to you with the dowell pins installed. We of course make wearplates for all models of our ribs.
Available for all Continental, Lummus and Consolodated model Vandergriff Ribs.
We can convert your Continental 141 to a 161 or a 161 to a 181 Game Changer. This is all done on site at CNC Performance Engineering with state of the art machining centers and fixturing. Your machine center section will leave our facility better than it came new from the factory.
Saw Space Blocks
We offer billet aluminum 100% CNC machined saw space blocks for any size your saw company would like.
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